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Available Services For 60526 (la grange park)

Business & Construction Services

Residential Services

La Grange Park refuse, recycling & yard-waste collection program

LRS began serving as the village’s official residential hauler for waste, recycling and organics on April 1, 2019,  We are excited to provide La Grange Park residents with Chicagoland’s best and most reliable hauling services.

Click the image below to download the printable version of the La Grange Park mailer.

If you have additional garbage that will not fit into your cart, you must use a garbage sticker for each bag or item outside of the cart. Stickers can be purchased at Village Hall, or the same vendors that have carried them in the past. There is no limit on the amount of bags that can be collected, as long as each bag has a sticker. Please note: garbage mixed with yard waste / leaves / grass clippings cannot be taken as waste.

Residents can mix recyclable items in their recycle cart. There is no limit on the amount of recyclable material that can be put out for service each week. Excess items that will not fit into recycle carts may be placed on the side of the cart for collection, and will not require a sticker. Residents are encouraged to consider a larger recycle carts to keep pace with the increasing amounts of material that are recyclable, and the advent of online purchasing (cardboard-based).

Please do not place plastic bags in your recycling cart.

Residents should continue to use brown (kraft) bags for yard waste disposal. Each bag will require one sticker. LRS also offers a seasonal option, in which residents will be provided a yard waste cart, or continue to use brown bags.

Yard waste that will not fit into a brown bag or cart will need to be bundled in units that are no longer than 4’ and 18” in diameter. Each stack will require one waste sticker for removal. Yard waste in plastic bags will not be accepted.

LRS will provide collection of organic Christmas trees for the first two weeks after Christmas at no charge. Beyond this, trees will require five stickers each.

Bulk items are items that are too large to fit into your waste cart. Each bulk item requires waste stickers affixed. Carpet rolls may be no longer than 4’ and 18” in diameter and will require waste stickers. If an item is too large, or an item that is not allowable to take, special arrangements may need to be made.

White goods are appliances containing CFC, HCFC, PCBs mercury switches or other hazardous components.

Examples: refrigerators, air conditioners and humidifiers. These items will require waste stickers to be collected. All white goods will be collected on a separate truck, and will need to be scheduled.

DIY construction or demolition debris will require waste stickers per stack or 35-gallon container. These stacks and/or containers may be no more than 50lbs per unit, and no more than 4’ in length and 18” in diameter.

Stickers will be needed for yard waste, extra garbage (outside of cart), bulk items and electronic waste.

Recycling & Organics Guides

  Contact Us Holiday Schedule

Rent from LRS


Electronic Waste Pickup Request


Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Request

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All