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Available Services For 49230 (lake columbia property owners association)

Business & Construction Services

Residential Services

Lake Columbia Property Owners Association: Garbage, Recycling, Yard Waste Collection Program

LRS has been the village’s exclusive residential service provider for curbside waste, recycling and yard waste for Lake Columbia homes.


Each home receives two carts, one for waste and one for recycling. There is no cost for the carts. Carts are available in the following size 96-gallon.


Garbage, recycling and yard waste shall be placed curbside the day of collection no later than 7 a.m. to ensure they are collected.


Waste Collection

Waste collection will be service on a weekly basis. On Monday and Friday from May through September and October through April on Monday only.


In addition to curbside waste collection, LRS offers a variety of other waste services.

Bulk Items

Bulk items will be collected if each item is under 50 pounds and under 2 cubic yards. Bulk Item service will have to be scheduled with contractor. This is billed to the resident at time of service.

For health and safety reasons, mattresses and box springs are requested to be wrapped in plastic to be collected at the curb/street side. Plastic mattress wrap can be found at local grocery stores, hardware stores, storage and moving outlets. If using loose plastic, it must be completely taped and secured on all corners with no exposure to the mattress.


If you are looking to dispose of a toilet, we do ask, for safety of the team due to the weight, for the item to please be separated (i.e. the bowl and the tank pulled apart in two parts).


For items that do not fit the above criteria, LRS will provide service as needed, scheduled at an agreed upon per-yard basis. This service will be upon request, and billed separately.

Christmas Trees

LRS will provide curbside collection of Christmas trees in the second full week of January at no charge. Only live trees (not in bags) free of any tinsel, lights or ornaments will be accepted.

Recycling Collection

LRS will provide residents with one recycling cart at no cost that will be collected every other week on the same day as your waste.

Acceptable Recyclables

Please be sure to properly prepare acceptable materials before placing them in your recycle cart using the guidelines found in “Additional Recycle Guidelines.”



  • Newspaper & inserts, Magazines, Catalogs & Phone books
  • Computer printouts
  • Hanging file folders (remove metal and trash it)
  • Glossy brochures
  • Index cards
  • Stationery fax paper
  • Envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Office paper/notebooks
  • Pastel sticky notes
  • Greeting cards
  • Manila Folders
  • Chipboard/paperboard
  • Paperback books


Recyclable items must be clean.

  • NO used paper plates or pizza boxes, or fluorescent paper (they contaminate the paper stream with food, dye, or plastic coating). If pizza box top is clean you can tear it off and recycle it.
  • NO paper towels, tissues, or napkins, which are not recyclable because the fibers are too small to reuse (please compost them with kitchen food scraps if possible).
  • NO shredded paper – Loose shredded paper causes major sorting problems in the recycling facilities.
  • NO frozen food boxes, which are made of a hybrid of paper and plastic, and are not wanted by paper mills.
  • NO paper cups, which are also made of a hybrid of paper and plastic rendering them unrecyclable.


Plastic Containers


Plastic bottles, Plastic tubs and Plastic jugs

  • NO plastic bags or plastic film (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps).
  • NO plastic utensils or plates (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps, cups, lids or straws).
  • NO candy wrappers, cereal bags, potato chip bags or snack bags.
  • NO empty motor oil, pesticide or chemical bottles.
  • NO Styrofoam, polystyrene (do not put in curbside bin).



  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten, Leave caps and tabs on
  • Food and Drink Cartons
  • Milk, Soup and Juice


 Aluminum Cans & Foil

  • Empty, Rinse, Do not crush or flatten
  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil (ball clean foil to 2 inches or larger, no flat foil or small balled up foil
  • Pie plates & trays


Glass Bottles & Jars

  • All colors are accepted
  • NO window or auto glass, bakeware, ceramics, mirrors, light bulbs, coffee pots or drinking glasses.

Yard Waste/Organics

LRS will provide seasonal yard waste collection from April through November on Mondays. Residents may use and place out their own 35-gallon or smaller cans with yard waste, or brown kraft bags free of charge. User-owned cans should be clearly marked as “YW,” and may not weigh more than 50lbs (this weight limit also applies to kraft paper bags). The bundle size is restricted to 4’ in length, 2’ diameter, and no heavier than 50 pounds. Branches cannot exceed 3” in diameter.

Your yard waste service day will be on the same day as your waste and recycling.

Recycling & Organics Guide

  Contact Us Holiday Schedule

Rent from LRS


Electronic Waste Pickup Request


Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Request

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